
HHMI is a science philanthropy whose mission is to advance basic biomedical research and science education for the benefit of humanity.

For 60 years, HHMI has been moving science forward. HHMI makes long-term investments in people, not just projects, because we believe in the power of individuals to make breakthroughs over time.

Introduction by HHMI President Erin o'shea

HHMI President Erin O’Shea introduces Labs That Work… For Everyone as a leadership development program for both lab members and lab heads. 

“Excellence isn’t just what you do—the research you do—but how.”

NCPRE creates and shares resources to support the development of better ethics and leadership practices in academic and other professional contexts.  

In our model, leadership-and particularly ethical leadership-is a key component of setting an institutional tone and promoting healthy and productive professional interactions. Intentional leadership development and institutional integrity are linked. We create tools and resources to support both.

IGB is where science meets society – an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to transformative research and technology in life sciences using team-based strategies to tackle grand societal challenges.

IGB will serve as a parallel testbed as NCPRE pilots two modules for HHMI. The innovative structure of the IGB, which leverages interdisciplinary team science strategies in life science research to tackle grand societal challenges, makes the institute an ideal participant.